Monday, April 14, 2014

The Real Adjustment Bureau


The Real Adjustment Bureau

Excerpt (Kindle Locations 102-106).

I needed to make money, and I needed to do it fast. You can’t rule the world with money that does not belong to you, unless of course they are dead, and you inherited it. But then it’s yours, so the point is moot. The fastest way I saw for myself to gain money and power all at the same time, is to become a celebrity. Most importantly, a celebrity in a rich country, even if this country seems as though it won’t be rich much longer. The quickest way I saw myself becoming a celebrity was through music.

Guest article by Zachary M. Casciato

“The Real Adjustment Bureau” by author Zachary M. Casciato is about giving a voice to his generation. This is Casciato’s way of living up to the great men and women of past generations who inspired amazing progress in America in its short history.

The book aims to bring back what America has lost, real art. The likes of Twain, Thoreau, Kerouac, Burroughs, Wolfe and many others inspired movements and lifestyles and brought the ideas of their generations to the public. They spread their message and point of view through the written word and it seems that this is now a lost art.

Casciato wants the world to know how young Americans think these days. He wants to showcase his point of view for the world to see whether or not people will agree.

Many feel lost and without direction and as if America is headed downhill. He aims to inspire new ideas and new movements that are controlled by the American youth. To remind people what America is supposed to stand for and to show how far off the path Americans have strayed.

America was built on revolutionary thinking and this is Casciato’s attempt at making up for the apathy of the youth of America. This is the voice of the youth of America.


The Real Adjustment Bureau is available at:

Amazon   Barnes & Noble   Google   Tate Publishing

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