Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Pretend You're Alone

Pretend You're Alone

Pretend You're Alone


Guest article by Pamela A. Goodwin

Pretend You're Alone. It's a Horror Fiction story about a woman who's haunted by her boyfriend, who was killed in his house while she was upstairs. He doesn't know he's dead. She been trying to live a regular life, not telling anyone his ghost is in her house. She sometimes sees him as well.

Things start to get bad when the man who killed him breaks into her house. Jerome, her dead boyfriend, kills the guy in the worst way protecting her. Following her to work, he kills her co-worker who was going to fight her. He treats her like a basketball.

The police thinks she's crazy when she starts talking about her dead boyfriend and puts her in a mental hospital. Jerome goes to the hospital to free her but kills half the staff. Getting help from a doctor who deals with ghosts gives the real reason for Jerome's violent activity.

Pamela A Goodwin

Pamela A. Goodwin

Single mother of two kids who live in California. Majored in History and attended Holy Names University in Oakland, Ca. She enjoys being active in activities like fishing, camping, hiking, bicycling, and plenty more.

Most of her books are fiction and tell a story based on a dream she had. Her first five books were published within five months.

Pretend You're Alone


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