Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Politics of Murder


The Politics of Murder


This is a fast paced, action thriller sure to please readers of the genre. Written in Reece Pocock's taut style, the characters are compelling and the plot is blockbuster sized but, in this day and age, worringly plausible. It's good to see Australia as a setting for much of the story. A great read. ~ Review by James Nolan

Guest Post by Reece Pocock

Book description:

A sanctioned murder and all hell breaks loose!

The Politics of Murder is a story of the greed inherent in man and his disregard for the consequences. While scientists developed the nuclear fuel, they failed to produce a safe waste storage system.

When a clandestine facility is built in Western Australia, an equally secret mercenary force is set up without the knowledge of the Government.

Dan Brennan and Mac McLean are back again in this exciting yet challenging thriller of thrillers. Instead of a simple case of murder, the two detectives find themselves embroiled in a conspiracy that extends up the line of command to the very top. When an assassination team is sent to execute them, it can only mean one thing… the Prime Minister himself has betrayed them.

In the Author’s words:

Dan Brennan and Mac McLean the detectives from my previous novel Murder on Display are back, but this time they are seconded to the Federal Police.

I had the idea for this book for many years and attempted to write the story but the plot would not come together. Finally, I worked out the relationship between the characters and I understood how the story should go.

The international community thumbed their noses at Australia and installed a nuclear dump to take their waste without the knowledge of the Parliament. The United States and Australia were aligned on many policies, and the President and the Prime Minister became friends.

Authors use, the what if factor, when deciding how to present their stories, and I was no different. I played up the betrayal to justify the later punishment Australia extracts from the criminals involved.

To support the nuclear dump, I have used a militia group to protect the clandestine operation including murder.

Another important facet of this story is how will the Australian people react to a Government that allowed an illegal facility to be installed on Australian territory?


Reece Pocock is a family man from Adelaide, South Australia. He writes thrillers about the police, detectives, crime and murder.

His working life was varied starting as a message boy and working in a window treatments' factory.

As a young man Reece joined the Army; his military service was all in Australia. He served at Kapooka in NSW, Puckapunyal in Vic, and Ingleburn in NSW where he served in the elite Field Force.

After years in the Army, Reece enjoyed a business career in sales and management. He was instrumental in introducing the Bobcat skid steer loader to the South Australian market—this was one of the highlights of this career.

He studied from 2000 to 2003 to obtain his Advanced Diploma of Arts (Professional Writing). This experience had a profound influence on his life, opening up many opportunities and proved life changing.

Reece is currently employed as a finance broker, and now finds as much time as he can to write. He writes screen plays, adult crime stories and children’s books.


The Politics of Murder


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