Saturday, February 28, 2015

55 Ways to Connect to Goddess



Highly recommended for people of all faiths wanting to connect with spirit. Dorsey uses humor, wit and encyclopedic knowledge of the occult to web an amazing quick read to recharge your spirit. ~ Review by Vincent

Guest article by Lilith Dorsey

The world weighs heavy on all of us these days and many of us are seeking answers, new and different ways to get the peace and guidance we desire. That is why I was so excited to find this book 55 Ways to Connect to Goddess by Lilith Dorsey.

Dorsey is a published author, filmmaker, blogger, priestess, and anthropologist whose writing style leaves you laughing, loving, and wanting more. 55 Ways to Connect to Goddess is simple and elegant at the same time. It provides spiritual solutions for people of any age or ability to discover on their own terms and at their own pace. The introduction to the book explains how:

From the introduction-

Why you might need this book?

We all have moments where we feel disconnected. Despite the billions of people on the planet, solitude can often turn into loneliness and in those moments we can reach out. Reach out to Goddess, to Spirit, to the divine essence of the universe. This book will remind you of ways you may have known as a child, before anyone told you that fairies weren't real and Santa didn't come down the chimney. Hopefully it will provide you with ways you never thought of before. Most of the ways in this book are simple, they won't require a lot of money (most you can probably do with no money at all if you're creative.)

Questions about connecting to Goddess?

Can you connect without religion? Of course, formal or informal, organized or intuited, connection is possible. These energies are present in all that we do, we just need to know how to “see” them. Now that may sound like some “newage,” rhymes with sewage, kind of idea. I assure you that is not this book. This book will give you practical advice for connecting simply and easily.

Can skeptics connect?

Of course, they are here on this earth, just like the rest of us. I actually envy the skeptics who are trying these techniques for the first time, they will have the blessing and joy of a new experience. If you feed your soul it will feed you back.


55 Ways to Connect to Goddess by Lilith Dorsey


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