Saturday, November 14, 2015

Tethers of the Sapiants

Tethers of the Sapiants

A Fable
A fable of intelligent ants contesting the meaning of their fundamental beliefs when a worldly power intrudes into their cloistered society. The dispute's outcome will determine their future, and perhaps yours too.

His intellect was renowned for its astuteness, acuity, and remarkable dexterity.


Arison was proned near the middle on the right side inside the meeting chamber. He had not been offered one of the berm places up on the raised dais, reserved of course for Society officers and for the two Recorders in gray commonry garb. But up there proned prominently immediately to the left of the forward facing lectern was Thanas, who despite attaining barely half of Arison's orbits, had risen in recent times to become the leader of Arison's antagonists, and his principal opponent in philosophical disputes. They had sparred many times before. While Arison was a sapiant of no remarkable appearance, being only average in physical stature; contrastingly, Thanas was tall, thin and angular, which attributes also perfectly described his seldom smiling visage. His intellect was renowned for its astuteness, acuity, and remarkable dexterity. Arison and his associates had reason to feel uneasy, for experience had taught that Thanas was formidable.

Available on Createspace

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