Friday, February 20, 2015

12 Qualities of Highly Successful People

Twelve Qualities


Twelve Qualities of Highly Successful People: And How YOU Can Develop These 12 Qualities by Sati Achath is a gem of a book that will guide the readers through qualities that have taken many others to the heights of success in life. By learning and inculcating these highly result-oriented qualities, the reader can learn the ropes of success and follow in the footsteps of highly successful people. ~ Excerpt of Review by the GreatReads! TOP 500 REVIEWER

From the Press release:

Former America’s Got Talent Quarter Finalist Releases New Self-Help Book - Twelve Qualities of Highly Successful People

Successful author and motivational speaker, Sati Achath is pleased to announce the release of his new motivational self-help book, Twelve Qualities of Highly Successful People: And How YOU Can Develop These 12 Qualities.

12 Qualities of Highly Successful People is an inspiring and captivating book. In this book Sati explains the winning qualities of 130 highly successful people, including Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Thomas Edison, Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, Dr. Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Steven Spielberg, Jim Carrey, Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Sergey Brin & Larry Page (Google), Jack Dorsey (Twitter), and Jeff Bezos (

The author also shows the characteristics and traits of highly successful people under each of the twelve qualities and teaches readers how they too can learn and develop these valuable qualities.
‘Common Traits’ and ‘You Too Can Develop’ sections in each chapter are step-by-step blueprints that will help anyone learn these twelve great qualities which can unlock your potential and transform your life.


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