Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Bridge: 14 Days to a Limitless Life

The Bridge

Available on Amazon

Paperback & Kindle

Guest article by Joel Phillips

The Bridge: 14 Days to a Limitless Life

We are all born the same so how do we end up so differently? Sure, there may be some environmental variables, but poor people become wealthy and rich people become poor all the time. Most of the time, life impacts us by default and our circumstances change, but underneath we all start out the same and have the same capabilities and potential. If it isn’t environmental then it must be something inside of us that drives us in a particular direction.

It would be pretty dull if we were all the same, but that isn’t really the issue. The focal point of our conversation is why are we different and what makes the grass always seem a little greener on the other side of the fence. The Bridge: 14 Days to a Limitless Life is a journey and an exploration to help us understand why all of those tries to change ourselves into something else don’t work, but more importantly, it gives us the tools to make substantial and lasting change in our lives.

We learn that the grass isn’t really greener on the other side of the fence. By living our lives in default mode, we have actually allowed the grass to get browner on our side of the fence. Further, we learn about out thought process and why we have ‘chemistry’ with some people while we don’t with others. What would happen if you learned how to create more chemistry between yourself and other people you meet. This book explores the ever so important first impression and how you can influence the outcome.

Want to learn to reprogram yourself to deal with Anxiety, Love, Sex, Relationships, Diet, Health, Confidence, Self-Esteem, Money, Motivation, Success and any other area of your life that you want to change or improve? The Bridge shows you how. How to build self-confidence, self-esteem and how to effect lasting change in your life by being more yourself than anyone else.

The Bridge: 14 Days to a Limitless Life is a self-help user manual for self-help and self-improvement complete with exercises you can use to master your integrity and a program to sustain your goals as you reach them. Once you read the book, you are at the beginning and not the end. You will find a new and growing support community of like minded people ready to help you change your life at


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