Friday, November 29, 2013

Awakening to an Adventure!

President Fionn

    FREE on Amazon - November 29th to December 1st

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"Afterwards, all he could remember was how tanned the Americans were, how white their teeth were, the well-made suits, the perfect grooming. President Kennedy’s sleepy eyes had perused the scene, and a wry grin crossed his face as he watched the school children sing The Boys from Wexford for him and when they’d finished he went over to shake their hands."

Christine Mary Fleming pens an historical Irish tale starting in the 1930's about a young eight year old boy with a vivid imagination. He is named after an Irish legend and his grandfather has grand plans for him. Translated to mean - Fionn is nicknamed President Fionn because of his grandfather's dreams for him.

"Fionn's childhood innocence is shattered by a horrifyingly violent incident at school, which transforms not only the life of Fionn, but everyone around him, leaving them scattered in all directions." ~ Christine Mary Flemming

After this incident, Fionn retreats within himself living a solitary existence until he finds from somewhere inside himself to purchase a motorcycle and be interested in pursuing a woman. As he awakens to a new life, he embarks on an adventure around Ireland following President Kennedy's tour.

"Paul liked to talk, he liked to have a beer or two with his meal and several more after it. Then he’d start on about the good old days, drink some more and start crying, or he’d go off to the pub and come home late, then start crying. It always ended in tears, one way or another."

Christine Mary Fleming
Christine Mary Flemming "I live in London and in my free time like to walk Bertie, my little dog, who is a big fan of the outdoors, read, cook, spends time with my family and friends and visit museums, theatres and galleries. I'm a member of 'The Culture Seekers' and I'm is also a big movie fan." ~ Christine Mary Flemming 

Review on Amazon by Manchester
" ...Usually, if an author tries something original it doesn't always go to plan but I think President Fionn is a prime example of those rare hits or 'hidden gems' that most of us are always on the hunt for. I will definitely be keeping an eye out for more releases by Christine Mary Flemming."

Be sure to check out the pictures of JFK's real tour on Christine's website here.

Follow Christine on Facebook!

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