Sunday, November 24, 2013

From Living On The Street To Becoming A Successful Entrepreneur

 Dreaming of Hope Street

"I was once a homeless kid in Medellin and understand what needs to be done to make a positive, permanent difference in young lives." ~ Eder Holguin
Allow me to introduce an inspirational book. I am on Chapter four and I must say that this is a riveting book. It moves fast and keeps you in its grasp. Personally, I think this would be a great book for young adults to delve into. I have gathered information from the web to give you a taste of what the book is about and a behind the scenes look at the author.

Eder Hoquin states, "My intention when writing this book was to provide you my story as a source of inspiration and to help you realize that you are not a victim of your current circumstances, you have the power to create your own life. The choices you make and the things you do today will determine your future."

Book Description: Today, nearing forty, Eder is a successful New York entrepreneur in the online media industry and CEO of a digital marketing company. However, as a kid in the mid ’80s, he fled a frightening home life and wound up living for years on the streets of Medellin, Colombia. It was a dicey existence, in what was described during this era as the 'most dangerous place on earth'. where international drug lords like Pablo Escobar ruled, where you could be shot for looking at the wrong guy the wrong way.

Eder Holguin

Dreaming of Hope Street is the story of how he went from living in the streets to become a successful entrepreneur. The book is in the classic Coming-of-Age tradition, and proves that, though life can be ugly and brutal, even the most disadvantaged can overcome the odds and find happiness, their own Hope Street. The narrative steps along and rings with authenticity; it’s often sad, shocking, but ultimately uplifting and motivational.

Review on Amazon by M. Garvey:
It is hard to describe this book without getting buried in exaggeration. Phrases like; heart-rending, and mind-blowing all would do but this book is so very much more than all of that. It is an intelligent superbly written story. As I have always said " a dream will always be a dream until you make it into reality." Not since greats such as Hemmingway have I read such evocative well structured writing. Every line conjures an image, every page tells a story. Great work.
Author's  website:

Follow him on Facebook Twitter.

:) Seann

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