. . . This is an exciting adventure story with unexpected twists and turns. I found myself more than once thinking it was a true historical novel.~ Review by James E. Liston - A machine that defies the laws of nature and man.
A government cover-up spanning two centuries and continents leaves a trail of death and destruction in its wake. The Floating Man is a mystery thriller where historical figures collide with fictional characters in a story of love, discovery, ambition, greed, death, and redemption.
When former investigative reporter John Hill takes over the Beaufort Sentinel from his mentor, James Campbell, he finds that his friend has literally fallen onto the story of a lifetime. The headline from 1830 screams out: Floating Man from France to perform Aerial Stunts this Saturday.
Who was Henri Richaud? How did he end up on a plantation run by Harriott Pinckney Horry, one of South Carolina’s most famous women? As John and James search for this mysterious friend of Napoleon they find that virtually all historical references to him have been deleted. They enlist the help of John’s former investigative partner, Sheila Jefferson, now a staffer on the National Security Council. Big mistake. While romance ensues, alarm bells go off in a rogue cell of America’s labyrinthine intelligence apparatus. Their search for Henri Richaud soon turns deadly. For Sheila, an erotic obsession turns violent as agents from the “Program” are dispatched to keep tabs on our trio.
Follow the trail of The Floating Man. Join John, James, and Sheila, along with a cast of historical characters that includes Napoleon, Andrew Jackson, Chief John Ross of the Cherokee Nation, and Harriott Pinckney Horry and the slaves of Hampton Plantation as they try to stay one step ahead of their pursuers in both the past and present.
“. . . Crawford writes with a depth and surety that takes your breath away—he never flinches when he dives to further complicate the plot, and comes out of it as cleanly as a razor-sharp Samurai sword through a hapless fruit. Yes, it's my own way of saying I enjoyed reading this book immensely, and I'm sure you will, too.” An incredible `cauldron' of hold-on-to-your-seat suspense ~ Review by MeghanThe Floating Man is available on Amazon - USA & Canada
To download a free excerpt, visit William Crawford's website - thefloatingman.com
Note from Seann - I know this is a guest post but I have to say this book is intriguing. Not only does William Crawford's book seem intriguing so does his life. Read about the author below. There are only two great reviews posted in this blog but there are many, many more on Amazon.
About the Author: A graduate of Northwestern University, William Crawford began telling stories at the age of five to his cousins late at night while on family vacations in the Great North Woods. This quickly progressed—if you can call two decades quickly progressing— to political satire. In 1996 the author created a parody on the OJ Simpson saga. My Search for the Real Killer, not by OJ Simpson became a minor cult classic. The author’s real ambition was to become a novelist. Over the years he developed several storylines. Once he retired from his safety position in government he turned that ambition into reality. The result is the Floating Man: a mystery thriller that takes place in both past and present, where historical figures collide with fictional characters in a story of love, discovery, ambition, greed, death, and redemption.
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