Thursday, October 9, 2014

Dreaming of Hope Street

Dreaming of Hope Street

Dreaming of Hope Street is available on Amazon!


Wow! This man went through so much. It is often difficult to read about someone who had it so rough and think "Wow, I complain about what I have or don't have?!" Watching the author go through so many struggles in order to achieve high levels of success are highly inspiring. It is definitely a "Well if he can do it through all that, then I can to" kind of read. You will leave the book feeling motivated to succeed having watched some one else break through many hardships in order to get where they needed to go. Great read!

Book Description:

From Living On The Streets of Medellin, Colombia To Becoming A Successful Entrepreneur in New York

Today, nearing forty, Eder is a successful New York entrepreneur in the online media industry and CEO of a digital marketing company. However, as a kid in the mid ’80s, he fled a frightening home life and wound up living for years on the streets of Medellin, Colombia. It was a dicey existence, in what was described during this era as the 'most dangerous place on earth'. where international drug lords like Pablo Escobar ruled, where you could be shot for looking at the wrong guy the wrong way.

Dreaming of Hope Street is the story of how he went from living in the streets to become a successful entrepreneur. The book is in the classic Coming-of-Age tradition, and proves that, though life can be ugly and brutal, even the most disadvantaged can overcome the odds and find happiness, their own Hope Street. The narrative steps along and rings with authenticity; it’s often sad, shocking, but ultimately uplifting and motivational.

Dreaming of Hope Street is available on Amazon!


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