Saturday, February 6, 2016

The Shift

The Shift: A better way to lose weight, build and tone muscle

The ShiftA better way to lose weight, build and tone muscle
Easy to understand with quick results ~ Review by Relatively Rebecca
OK, so I've been getting into a lot of books regarding weight loss and eating right. However, I haven't found too many workout books that are for someone like me. I'm busy and hate the gym. The Shift offers a really great alternative to being a constant gym-goer.
I have found it much easier to commit to 10 minutes a day with the Shift's workout plan. I've started with the baseline routine and already feel like I'm making progress!
I really appreciate the info provided on the concepts - it helps everything make sense. And the info is laid out for me in an organized, easy to understand way. I think this book, coupled with eating right is going to make a huge difference in my life for the new year!
Book Description:

Can exercising for ten minutes a day really be enough to reward you with lower body fat, increased muscle / tone, improvements in stamina and overall health? The answer to that question is an emphatic YES! Ten minutes a day is enough, IF and only IF you follow the right program, a program such as The Shift.

The Shift is a culmination of years of research and data effectively and efficiently stitched together by a dedicated engineer who dared to ask the question in the first place. Accepting that his busy lifestyle did not allow for hitting the gym for an hour or more every day was the first step to the development of this program. Prioritizing his health and the desire to keep that health for a lifetime was the second step. In this busy life of ours how can we exercise and stay healthy, especially as we age, every single day? The answer is simple: 10 minutes, at home, on your schedule. The Shift can revolutionize how you think of exercise and have a lasting impact on the quality of your life. So, what are you waiting for? Do you have 10 minutes to spare?

In this busy life of ours how can we exercise and stay healthy, especially as we age, every single day? #theshift

The Shift: A better way to lose weight, build and tone muscle
"Wow. This book goes very deeply into the reasons behind weight problems, an gives you an elegant solution. You get the full deal - the science behind the program in the book, an explanation of the routines and timing involved, and excellent illustrations, which make sure you're doing it all correctly. It would suit all manner of people, from couch potatoes to gym junkies, and offers something to everyone in between. Let's face it, if you can't find ten minutes a day you are not really trying. Lots of info, and highly recommended." ~ Review by Stephanie Fairey

The ShiftA better way to lose weight, build and tone muscle
Available on Amazon!

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