Monday, April 25, 2016

Before The Fall: A Book of Poetry

Before The Fall by Billy #poetry #satire #humor

This beautifully written book of poetry is sure to touch your heart and evoke emotions. I was in awe at some of the amazing and heartfelt poems that were packed inside. The book is like looking into the soul of a person and being fully able to experience the ups and downs of life with the author. My three favorite poems in the book were: "Space and Time Fall For Each Other", "The Plant Kingdom", and "With Lover's Eyes". I highly recommend this book to everyone.

Available on Amazon: USA   CDN    UK    AU

Book Blurb: This is the book of a mad man's poetry. Continue at your own risk (or enlightenment) :)

This beautifully written book of poetry is sure to touch your heart and evoke emotions. #beforethefall #poems

School Will Not Prepare You

School will not prepare you
for a lover's smile.

School will not prepare you
for when your lover leaves.

School will not prepare you
to handle your greatness.

School will not tell you what to do.

School will not tell you what to do
when you are alone at night.

School will not whisper in your ear.

School will not cuddle with you.

School will not write your poems for you.

She will never tell you
about her tears,
she will never tell you.

It is Life.

Only Life.

He will tell you.
By Billy #poetry
Available on Amazon: USA   CDN    UK    AU

Author Bio:

Billy Vitogiannis was born in Orange County, California. Of course, he does not associate with any one place in particular. In fact, he'll probably tell you he's from the stars. He has come here to help humanity love itself and has fallen in love with music and poetic prose in the process.

A simple man of simple origin, slightly feminine, and shy enough to make one wonder: Just where does that intensity come from?

He sincerely hopes the words aren't too much of a barrier and that the information may slowly, in its own twisty-tangly way, seep into the subconscious minds and hearts of his readers.

He loves and thanks you for your precious time.

Available on Amazon: USA   CDN    UK    AU

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